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Platinum Ultimate Membership

This is the Highest Membership Category for you, the Business Owner that believes in the power of networking, bigger things and more opportunities for your business.

As a Platinum member, you get ALL the benefits of the Green and Gold Membership as well as personalized services, invitations to special events, access to high profiled transactions, priority access to information and news, and much more.
Write your awesome label here.

You Stand Out, Always

You have worked so hard to grow your business and become successful. No one can take that away from you. At the SME Digital Academy, we see you as a partner to learn more, to grow more and to make an impact.  

Priority Access 

You get priority access to information about funding, grants, business ideas, new product launches, and more via email, SMS or Calls.  


Awesome features and agile usability for online education

Personalized Services

You always come first when it 

Huge Discounts

You get special discounts on every activity on the Academy such as up to 50% off the advertisement rates. and its partner organization.  

One Payment, All Courses. 

You pay once, and have access to all current and future courses on the Academy, for a full year. Learn at your own pace
Grab this chance now!

Platinum Ultimate Membership

This is the Highest Membership Category for you, the Business Owner that believes in the power of networking, bigger things and more opportunities for your business. As a Platinum member, you get ALL the benefits of the Green and Gold Membership as well as personalized services, invitations to special events, access to high profiled transactions, priority access to information and news, and much more.